i do death

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The end of summer is a tough time for me. It marks two years that Matt’s been gone, as well as what would’ve been my second wedding anniversary, and not too far behind those fun reminders, is his birthday.

I imagine this would be enough to make any sensible human being withdraw until it’s all over, but it’s also when my best friend’s birthday is. She’s literally the best, most understanding person on the face of the planet and just rolls with the punches.

So I took a break. Two weeks to refocus and fall in love with what I was doing again. I was able to be present for the people I love the most, without overdoing it. I was ruthless with my boundaries and said no a lot. I surrounded myself with the love from those closest to me. I let myself feel happy. I did what made me feel good, and I’m proud of myself.

That being said, it made me feel good to know y’all missed this. The DMs and contact messages about ‘where your Mortuary Monday was’ , so thank you for that. I’m back, and I’m not going anywhere. 💜